
Telefones Uteis
Prefeitura de Passos - 13h às 17h 
Pça. Geraldo da Silva Maia, 175
🕿 Fiscalização: 3521-6812 🕿 Rendas: 3522-6062
Administração Fazendária 13h às17h
Rua Dep. Lourenço de Andrade, 135
🕿 Geral: 3211-2100
Agência Receita Federal - 13h às 17h
Rua Olegário Maciel, 501
🕿 (35) 3521-7900 

Certidões Negativas - Pessoa Jurídica
Certidão de Falência e Concordata
Certidão Tributos Federais - Pessoa Jurídica
Certidões Negativas - Pessoa Física


  1. Another associated follow is custom fabrication, which means the creation of latest custom components high precision machining using novel combos of these processes. Without it, we wouldn’t ready to|be succesful of|have the flexibility to} run our electrical systems or create the components that keep our houses, kitchens, companies, computers and automobiles operational. Some fabricated steel product examples embrace bolts and screws, cutlery, pipe fittings, car components and even hand instruments. However, it's difficult for many of us to grasp what precision steel fabrication entails, properly as|in addition to} the entire areas of our lives it impacts.


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